13.2.2 Population Growth & Growth Models

13.2.2 Population Growth 

  • The size of a population for any species is not a static parameter. 
  • It keeps changing in time, depending on various factors including food availability, predation pressure and adverse weather. 
  • In fact, it is these changes in population density that give us some idea of what is happening to the population – whether it is flourishing or declining. 
  • Whatever might be the ultimate reasons, the density of a population in a given habitat during a given period, fluctuates due to changes in four basic processes, two of which (natality and immigration) contribute to an increase in population density and two (mortality and emigration) to a decrease. 
(i) Natality:

  • refers to the number of births during a given period in the population that are added to the initial density. 
(ii) Mortality:

  • is the number of deaths in the population during a given period. 
(iii) Immigration:

  • is the number of individuals of the same species that have come into the habitat from elsewhere during the time period under consideration. 
(iv) Emigration:

  • is the number of individuals of the population who left the habitat and gone elsewhere during the time period under consideration. 
  • You can see from the above equation that population density will increase if the number of births plus the number of immigrants (B + I) is more than the number of deaths plus the number of emigrants (D + E), otherwise it will decrease.
  • Under normal conditions, births and deaths are the most important factors influencing population density, the other two factors assuming importance only under special conditions.
  • For instance, if a new habitat is just being colonised, immigration may contribute more significantly to population growth than birth rates.

Growth Models:
  • Does the growth of a population with time show any specific and predictable pattern? 
  • We have been concerned about unbridled human population growth and problems created by it in our country and it is therefore natural for us to be curious if different animal populations in nature behave the same way or show some restraints on growth.
  • Perhaps we can learn a lesson or two from nature on how to control population growth.
(i) Exponential growth:
  • Resource (food and space) availability is obviously essential for the unimpeded growth of a population. 
  • Ideally, when resources in the habitat are unlimited, each species has the ability to realise fully its innate potential to grow in number, as Darwin observed while developing his theory of natural selection. 
  • Then the population grows in an exponential or geometric fashion. 
  • If in a population of size N, the birth rates (not total number butper capita births) are represented as b and death rates (again, per capita death rates) as d, then the increase or decrease in N during a unit time period t (dN/dt) will be dN/dt = (b – d) × N Let (b–d) = r
  • Then dN/dt = rN 
  • The r in this equation is called the ‘intrinsic rate of natural increase’ and is a very important parameter chosen for assessing impacts of any biotic or abiotic factor on population growth. 
  • To give you some idea about the magnitude of r values, for the Norway rat the r is 0.015, and for the flour beetle it is 0.12. 
  • For calculating it, you need to know the birth rates and death rates.
  • The above equation describes the exponential or geometric growth pattern of a population and results in a J-shaped curve when we plot N in relation to time. 
  • If you are familiar with basic calculus, you can derive the integral form of the exponential growth equation as Nt = N0 ert
  • If a population growing exponentially double in size in 3 years, what is the intrinsic rate of increase (r) of the population?

  • Nt = Population density 
  • after time t N0 = Population density at time zero
  • r = intrinsic rate of natural increase 
  • e = the base of natural logarithms (2.71828) take 0.434
  • Any species growing exponentially under unlimited resource conditions can reach enormous population densities in a short time. 
  • Darwin showed how even a slow growing animal like elephant could reach enormous numbers in the absence of checks. 
  • The following is an anecdote popularly narrated to demonstrate dramatically how fast a huge population could build up when growing exponentially.
(ii) Logistic growth:
  • No population of any species in nature has at its disposal unlimited resources to permit exponential growth. 
  • This leads to competition between individuals for limited resources. Eventually, the ‘fittest’ individual will survive and reproduce. 
  • The governments of many countries have also realised this fact and introduced various restraints with a view to limit human population growth. 
  • In nature, a given habitat has enough resources to support a maximum possible number, beyond which no further growth is possible. 
  • Let us call this limit as nature’s carrying capacity (K) for that species in that habitat. 
  • A population growing in a habitat with limited resources show initially a lag phase, followed by phases of acceleration and deceleration and finally an asymptote, when the population density reaches the carrying capacity. 
  • A plot of N in relation to time (t) results in a sigmoid curve
  • This type of population growth is called Verhulst-Pearl Logistic Growth and is described by the following equation: dN/dt =  rN {K - N / K} or dN/dt =  rN {1- N / K}
                                       With the help of suitable diagram describe the logistic population ...

  • N = Population density at time t 
  • r = Intrinsic rate of natural increase 
  • K = Carrying capacity 
  • Since resources for growth for most animal populations are finite and become limiting sooner or later, the logistic growth model is considered a more realistic one
Exponential growth model
Logistic growth model
Occurs in unlimited resources (food and space) and absence of predation pressure
When the resource are limited (food and space) and in presence of predation pressure
Chance of extinction is high if resources are utilized completely
Chance of extinction is low, it is limited by carrying capacity of habitat [K]
Unrealistic (no habitat has unlimited resources)
Produces ‘J’ shape curve
Produces ‘S’ shape curve
Ex: elephants, Human, bacteria etc
Ex: dear, grass, most pray and predators
N= N0 ert
dN/dt =  rN {K - N / K}

  • In 1981, the r value for human population in India was 0.0205. Find out what the current r value is. 
  • If a population growing exponentially double in size in 5 years, what is the intrinsic rate of increase (r) of the population?


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